How Vendors Can Keep Active Partners

Discover how to break the 80/20 rule and maintain active, engaged partners in your program.
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Who is this сourse for?

Do you have a large percentage of inactive partners in your program? Trust us, you're not alone. The course is designed for companies in any industry looking to better understand and improve strategies for partner activation and engagment.

What you’ll learn

By using the framework of the 80-20 rule alongside insight from industry leaders, you'll learn the common reasons partners tend to go silent and how to avoid it in your program.

Meet the instructor

Philippe Swamy
Philippe is the Head of Partnerships at Kiflo PRM where he specializes in building value-driven relationships with partners from around the world. On top of his expertise in Partnership Relationship Management and the Kiflo software, he has worked in several successful startups as a Business Development and Sales professional. When he’s not helping SMBs amplify their programs, you can find him biking or running in the mountains with his two dogs, Ellie and Newton.
Course Content

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Understanding the 80/20 Rule

Learn why partners become disengaged and inactive through the lens of the 80/20 rule.
Why Partners Become Inactive
Build Your Ideal Partner Persona: A Template
Understanding Your B2B ICP: A Template
How to Increase Partner Engagement in 6 Easy Steps
How to Use Partner Lifetime Value™ vs Partner Economics


How to Break the 80/20 Rule

Now that you know the 80/20 rule and why it occurs, let's learn how to break it so your partners stay active.
How the Pros Keep their Partners Active
Webinar Highlight: Breaking the 80/20 Rule with Rick van den Bosch, Founder of Channext
The Complete Guide to Breaking the 80/20 Rule
The Who, What, Where, When, & Why of Partner Feedback
How to Drive Partner Action From Day 1 by Will Taylor


Your Tech Stack’s Role in Partner Activation

Learn how to use technology to effectively enable and engage partners.
Tools, Tech, & Best Practices for Partner Activation
How to Scale your SaaS Business with PRM Software
10 Best Software to Use Alongside Your PRM
A Guide to Developing Channel Partner Incentive Programs
How to Use Your Partner Platform to Reactivate Partners


Before You Go!

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