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6 Steps to Identify and Connect with Top Partners at In-person Events

This comprehensive guide explores the importance of B2B in-person events for businesses looking to find new partners and expand their professional networks. Covering everything from early registration benefits and research strategies to perfecting your pitch and following up with prospects, this article provides actionable insights and best practices for maximizing your event marketing efforts. Learn how to make the most of face-to-face interactions at various venues, engage with potential clients and sponsors, and build lasting relationships that drive growth and success in the competitive B2B landscape.
6 Steps to Find Top Partners at In-person Events
Published on
June 5, 2024


Attending B2B in-person events offers businesses a unique opportunity to find new partners and expand their professional networks. These events provide a platform for companies to connect directly with potential clients, prospects, and industry peers, fostering relationships that can drive future growth. Event attendees can leverage event marketing and effective event strategies to maximize their visibility and impact, making these gatherings an indispensable part of any organization's growth plan.

This guide provides a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to helping readers fully capitalize on the opportunities presented by B2B in-person events. From preparing your event marketing strategy to engaging with event attendees and following up with prospects, this guide will equip you with the tools and insights needed to turn these successful events into significant business opportunities. By connecting with industry peers and gathering important information, you will have a better possibility of creating lasting partnerships that benefit your business.

Step 1: Identify the Right Events

Finding the right events to attend is crucial for companies looking to maximize their event marketing efforts. Begin by researching industry conferences, trade shows, and networking events that align with your business goals. Utilize online resources such as industry publications, event directories, and professional networks to discover upcoming events. Consider both live events and virtual events, as each can offer unique opportunities to connect with potential clients and prospects. Staying informed about B2C events, in addition to B2B events, can also provide valuable insights and networking possibilities.

Once you have a list of potential events, it's important to evaluate their size, reputation, and audience to ensure they align with your objectives. Assess the event strategies employed by these gatherings and examine past attendee lists to determine if the right types of businesses and decision-makers will be present. Look for events that have a strong track record of attracting key industry players and high-quality prospects. By carefully selecting the right events, companies can effectively target their efforts and maximize their return on investment in event marketing.

Step 2: Prepare in Advance

Registering early for in-person events offers several significant advantages for companies. Early registration often comes with discounts that can reduce overall costs, making event marketing more budget-friendly. Additionally, early registrants typically receive increased visibility in event materials, allowing businesses to stand out to attendees before the event even begins. This proactive approach sets the stage for more effective networking and engagement with the target audience, sponsors, and venues.

Researching the attendees is a crucial step in maximizing the potential of your event strategies. Review the attendee list provided by the event organizers and identify key individuals and companies you want to connect with. Utilize professional networks such as LinkedIn to gather information about potential clients and prospects, helping you prioritize who to approach during the event. This research will enable you to tailor your conversations and pitches to the specific interests and needs of your target audience, enhancing the overall success of your face-to-face interactions at physical events, regardless of the event format.

Scheduling meetings with potential partners before the live event can significantly enhance your event experience. Reach out to prospects and key contacts in advance to secure one-on-one meetings, demonstrating your initiative and ensuring dedicated time for meaningful discussions. By planning these meetings ahead of time, you can make the most of the event's networking opportunities, building stronger relationships and advancing your business goals. This strategic approach to scheduling will help you connect with the right people and achieve your objectives.

Step 3: Perfect Your Pitch

Registering early for in-person events offers several significant advantages for companies. Early registration often comes with discounts that can reduce overall costs, making event marketing more budget-friendly. Additionally, early registrants typically receive increased visibility in event materials, allowing businesses to stand out to attendees before the event even begins. This proactive approach sets the stage for more effective networking and engagement with the target audience and sponsors.

Researching the attendees is a crucial step in maximizing the potential of your event strategies. Review the attendee list provided by the event organizers and identify key individuals and companies you want to connect with. Utilize professional networks such as LinkedIn to gather information about potential clients and prospects, helping you prioritize who to approach during the event. This research will enable you to tailor your conversations and pitches to the specific interests and needs of your target audience, enhancing the overall success of your face-to-face interactions at in-person events, regardless of the event format.

Step 4: Engage During the Event

Active networking is essential for companies looking to maximize the benefits of event marketing. Encourage your team members to attend networking sessions, workshops, and social events with an open and approachable attitude. By being proactive and initiating conversations, businesses can uncover valuable networking opportunities with potential clients and prospects. This approach not only helps in building relationships but also in understanding the needs and interests of the target audience, thereby enhancing overall success.

Visiting the booths of companies of interest at trade shows is another effective engagement strategy. Engage with representatives, ask insightful questions about their products or services, and exchange business cards to facilitate future contact. This direct interaction can provide deeper insights into the offerings of potential partners and competitors, allowing businesses to refine their event strategies. Booth visits also present an opportunity to demonstrate your own company’s value proposition, fostering meaningful connections that can lead to fruitful partnerships.

Attending sessions such as keynote speeches, panel discussions, and breakout sessions is invaluable for both learning and networking. These sessions offer a wealth of knowledge on industry trends, best practices, and innovative ideas that can inform your business strategies. Moreover, participating in these events allows you to meet like-minded professionals and industry leaders, broadening your network. By actively engaging in these sessions, companies can stay ahead of the curve, connect with influential event attendees, and achieve their event marketing goals more effectively.

Step 5: Follow Up Promptly

Sending follow-up emails promptly after an event is crucial for maintaining the connections made during the event. Personalize each email by mentioning specific points from your conversations to remind contacts of who you are and express your interest in further discussions. This approach not only reinforces your brand awareness but also shows that you value the interaction, increasing the likelihood of turning these connections into meaningful business relationships.

Connecting with new contacts on LinkedIn is another effective strategy for maintaining and nurturing professional relationships. By adding people you met at in-person events, you can keep up with their professional updates and stay top-of-mind. LinkedIn also allows you to share content that highlights your expertise, further enhancing your brand awareness and solidifying your presence in your industry.

Step 6: Nurture Relationships

Maintaining communication with potential partners is essential for nurturing relationships that were initiated during the events. Regularly share relevant information, updates, and resources to keep your connections informed and engaged. Consistent communication helps reinforce your brand awareness and keeps you top-of-mind when new opportunities arise. Whether through newsletters, personalized emails, or social media interactions, staying in touch demonstrates your commitment to building lasting professional relationships.

Providing value to new connections is a key strategy for fostering mutually beneficial partnerships. Offer introductions to other industry peers and contacts, share insights, or propose collaborations on projects that align with their interests. By consistently offering value and focusing on your partners' specific needs and goals, you can build strong, trust-based relationships. This approach not only enhances your reputation but also creates a network of allies who are more likely to support your business endeavors in the long term.


By being proactive, genuine, and focused on building mutually beneficial relationships, attendees of in-person events can significantly raise their brand awareness and make valuable contacts. Engaging with leadership content, exploring the latest innovations, and following up with individuals and sponsors ensures a memorable experience and maximizes the impact of your participation.

This strategic approach not only strengthens your professional network but also elevates your business exposure at various locations and venues, paving the way for sustained growth and success in the competitive B2B landscape. Whether at conferences, trade shows, or other in-person gatherings, effective registration and targeted interactions with organizations and sponsors can lead to meaningful connections and long-term success.

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